Shows for the whole family

The show for the whole family

The show: "Terrific Rhythm" for children and the whole family - interactive performance with the marimba and percussion artist Ziv Eitan and his musicians.

 "Unique, rhythmic, energetic, sweeping, enriching and teaching. The children are exposed to something different and diverse, unlike anything they have encountered before..." 
By Ruthie Keinan, "Culture and Art Events – Public Opinion
A joyful performance, broadening horizons, presented to children and the whole family at eye level. The show is full of humor and perfect interaction.

Brings viewers closer to classical music - the best classical compositions of the greatest composers in a sweeping performance that everyone must know!!!

Rhythmic Japanese music for drums and percussion, ethnic music, Latin music, popular international and Israeli music and dance music, alongside beloved Israeli songs of all time!

In addition, familiarizing the audience with percussion instruments from different continents and exposure to authentic rhythms.

In the last part of the show, Ziv Eitan invites children and parents to the stage, to create a combined Brazilian percussion band.

The explanations and played pieces are adapted for different ages. The show is suitable for the whole family as well as small children!

From the newspaper

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